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Lockport Area Genealogical
& Historical Society

Preserving the past is our 'present' to the future!

Newsletter Index

On this page is a periodical reference chart for past L.A.G.H.S. newsletters. Past newsletters are available for $2 each for members, $5 each for non-members. Please mail a check payable to L.A.G.H.S. along with the date of the newsletter, volume # and number of copies to: L.A.G.H.S., c/o Central Square, 222 E 9th Street, Lockport, IL 60441.

DATE VOL. SUBJECT TITLE Additional names or other Romeoville
Sep-2001 1.02 Publications Cemeteries of Will Co Crilly Rigoni
Sep-2001 1.02 Genealogy Crilly Family History Bruce I&M Canal Phelan
Sep-2001 1.02 Historical Structures Gooding Mansion Hull I&M Canal St. Dennis
Sep-2001 1.02 Share & Tell Share & Tell Bankroff Richardson Kinsella
Oct-2001 1.03 Board news First Installation Banquet Caneva Photo
Nov-2001 1.04 Share & Tell Pa & his Pepper Hrpcha Fracaro
Nov-2001 1.04 Genealogy Wiershem Family Kelleher Helbock Townships
Jan-2002 2.01 Share & Tell Treasures of Christmas Past Caneva Lukancic School
Feb-2002 2.02 Genealogy How to do a family tree Crilly
Feb-2002 2.02 History  Romeoville Settlers Hrpcha I&M Canal
Mar-2002 2.03 Genealogy Asiago-Italian Heritage Bankroff Rodeghiero
Apr-2002 2.04 Genealogy An Irish Tale Munch Lambert Hawley
Apr-2002 2.04 History  Haytown; Mystery Bankroff I&M Canal
Jun-2002 3.02 Photos Dellwood Park  1948 Cronholm
Jun-2002 3.02 History  LTHS Band Caneva 1962 1933
Jun-2002 3.02 Genealogy Tips and Tricks Martin
Jul-2002 3.07 History  Homer; Lockport Always Close Lamb Yankee
Aug-2002 3.08 Share & Tell Homer Township Rowley Haley German
Aug-2002 3.08 History  Old Canal Days; 2002 LAGHS Photo Lutheran
Aug-2002 3.08 Photos Who are they? Gaines Sloan
Sep-2002 3.09 Photos Dellwood Park House 2002
Sep-2002 3.09 History  History Highlights Munch Sears
Oct-2002 3.1 History  Dellwood Park Klopfstein 1935
Oct-2002 3.1 Photos Fred Grant Packley 1899
Oct-2002 3.1 Photos Grant Fairmont home Packley Nobes Ave Irish
Oct-2002 3.1 Share & Tell Remembering Fairmont Packley Grant
Nov-2002 3.11 Share & Tell Big Red Star; Texaco Packley Street scene
Nov-2002 3.11 Genealogy Walter; Ott Family History Munch Norton
Dec-2002 3.12 Genealogy Swedish Genealogy Bankroff Bjorkland
Jan-2003 18 Genealogy Hyland Family Munch Irish
Jan-2003 18 History  Lockport Womens Club 1902 1910
Jan-2003 18 Scrapbooks Louella Pesavento WWII
Jan-2003 18 Scrapbooks Mary Fracaro Ambrosini LTHS St. Dennis
Jan-2003 18 History  Rev. Bengtson Book Bankroff WWII 1933
Mar-2003 20 History  Irish Build the Canal Lamb I&M Canal
Apr-2003 21 Board news Bylaws of LAGHS By Laws baseball
Apr-2003 21 Photos Easter; 1918 Stephenson Gaines Dellwood 
Apr-2003 21 History  H. H. Carter 1915
Apr-2003 21 Photos H. H. Carter Carter 1915
Apr-2003 21 History  Lockport government Village City
Apr-2003 21 Photos LTHS   Neal Rigoni
Apr-2003 21 Historical Structures Old City Hall McClusky
May-2003 22 History  Des Plaines Valley Bankroff I&M Canal
May-2003 22 Photos LTHS Cheerleaders Fracaro Startz
May-2003 22 Scrapbooks PTA; Lockport Schools Munch Haack
May-2003 22 Share & Tell Sports; Romeoville Aces Hrpcha 1933
Jun-2003 23 History  Chautauqua Bankroff Methodist
Jun-2003 23 History  Romeoville   Hrpcha
Jul-2003 24 Historical Structures Baptist Church Munch
Jul-2003 24 History  Bengtson Bankroff
Jul-2003 24 Photos Board member photo Photo
Jul-2003 24 Photos Canal Day Parade 2003
Jul-2003 24 Board news Installation of board
Jul-2003 24 Genealogy Scotland; Scottish Crilly Bruce
Aug-2003 25 History  Crest Hill Juricic
Aug-2003 25 Genealogy Italian surnames; Asiago Bankroff Italy
Aug-2003 25 History  Lockport Fire; 1895 Photo Jindra
Sep-2003 26 Genealogy Canadian genealogy Munch
Sep-2003 26 History  LTHS Class 53 reunion Caneva Photo Flagg
Sep-2003 26 Photos LTHS Class 53 reunion Photo
Sep-2003 26 History  WWI Records Bankroff Rodeghiero
Oct-2003 27 Historical Structures Bridges of Lockport Bankroff Photo
Oct-2003 27 Historical Structures Central Square McCasland
Oct-2003 27 Historical Structures Central Square Lamb
Oct-2003 27 Photos Central Square Giardina Photo
Oct-2003 27 Photos Civil War Days Carlson
Oct-2003 27 Historical Structures Houses of Lockport Hrpcha Photo
Oct-2003 27 Genealogy Passenger lists Munch
Nov-2003 28 Photos Cemeteries of Will Co Crilly Norton
Nov-2003 28 Photos Dellwood Park Caneva
Jan-2004 29 1st person narrative Chicago Sanitary/Ship Canal Giardina Photo
Jan-2004 29 Historical Structures Chicago Sanitary/Ship Canal Bankroff I&M Canal
Jan-2004 29 History  Runyon Pioneer Woodruff Boyer Dellwood 
Jan-2004 29 History  Will County Organized Map
Feb-2004 30 Photos Bill Molony; Railroad man Photo Railroad Fitzpatrick
Feb-2004 30 History  Down by the station Malony Railroad
Feb-2004 30 1st person narrative SantaFe Railroad Bell 1946 Carlson
Mar-2004 31 Genealogy A Family Mystery Hrpcha Rigoni Lindstrom
Mar-2004 31 History  Romancing the Spoon Ogorek Silverware
Mar-2004 31 Genealogy Write your Family Biography Hrpcha Rigoni
Apr-2004 32 1st person narrative Dead-man's cave Curry Dellwood 
Apr-2004 32 Photos Dellwood Park Postcards
Apr-2004 32 Geography Des Plaines Valley Ward Gee
May-2004 33 Historical Structures House in the Park Photo Dellwood 
May-2004 33 History  Lewis College Schackmuth Lewis Coll.
Jun-2004 34 History  Fairmont Community Center Photo
Jun-2004 34 1st person narrative Fairmont recollections Travis Giardina
Jun-2004 34 Photos Swedish Genealogy Seaborg Swanson
Jun-2004 34 Photos Taft School 1908
Jul-2004 35 Photos Canal Day Parade 2004 Float LAGHS
Jul-2004 35 1st person narrative Frank Mitchell; Mayor Mitchell
Jul-2004 35 History  Lockport 1912 Baseball Harrington
Jul-2004 35 Photos Lockport 1912 Baseball Barto  Stewart
Jul-2004 35 Photos Ninth St and Garfield Feed Store Midwest 
Jul-2004 35 Photos State street Lockport 1954 Richelieu  Postcard McCanna
Aug-2004 36 Genealogy Bohemian in Lockport Loose Jindra
Aug-2004 36 1st person narrative Invoices from Nicholson
Aug-2004 36 1st person narrative Lockport 1920 Loose Jindra
Aug-2004 36 Photos Marriage Capouch & Jindra Loose
Aug-2004 36 History  Tornado strikes Lockport Waldvogel Library Archives
Aug-2004 36 History  Tornado strikes Lockport Caneva State Street
Sep-2004 37 History  1931 Play: Henry's Wedding Business Geneology
Sep-2004 37 History  Dellwood Park Klopfstein
Sep-2004 37 1st person narrative Dellwood Park; I remember Hrpcha
Sep-2004 37 1st person narrative Dellwood Park; They met at. Bankroff Rigoni
Sep-2004 37 1st person narrative Dellwood Park; We Remember Loose Kuehnle Daly
Sep-2004 37 History  Lockport Township Government Government Laws
Sep-2004 37 Historical Structures Rigoni Store Bankroff
Oct-2004 38 History  Canallers in the Corridor I&M Canal
Oct-2004 38 Photos Charles Waterman Store photo Baker Railroad
Oct-2004 38 Photos Grain Elevator postcard
Oct-2004 38 History  Lkpt High School 1888 
Oct-2004 38 History  Lockport Census Information Hrpcha
Oct-2004 38 Historical Structures Lockport Loop Zalanka; J.
Oct-2004 38 History  Waterman Collection
Nov-2004 39 History  Examination of Title 9th St LKPT Waterman
Nov-2004 39 History  Life of the Prairie Farmer Midewin 
Nov-2004 39 Maps Maps from title record 9th St LKPT
Nov-2004 39 History  Mt. Calvary Cemetery Byzantine Church
Jan-2005 40 History  Gooding; William Gooding
Jan-2005 40 Photos Hitching Post Wilda Wiershem
Jan-2005 40 Photos Parade 100th Anniversary  Adelmann Deeming
Jan-2005 40 Photos St. Dennis Italian Club
Jan-2005 40 Photos Unknown Lockport Residents
Feb-2005 41 Photos Central Grade School
Feb-2005 41 History  One Room Schools Reavis Arnold
Feb-2005 41 History  State Finances 1840-1850 I&M Canal
Mar-2005 42 Maps 1890's Surveyor Archer Avenue
Mar-2005 42 History  H. H. Carter
Mar-2005 42 History  Illinois Central Railroad
Mar-2005 42 History  Lewis University Canal Archives
Mar-2005 42 Historical Structures Torn Down Houses of Lockport Boyer Congre. Ch.
Apr-2005 43 Photos Gooding; Anna & Edward
Apr-2005 43 History  Gooding; Edward Civil War
Apr-2005 43 History  John Wilkes Booth Magosky
Apr-2005 43 1st person narrative Letter from Camp Ford; Civil War Burdick Parker
Apr-2005 43 History  Lockport and Abe Lincoln
Apr-2005 43 History  Patrick O'Marah Civil War
May-2005 44 Genealogy Bankroff Pinkofsy
May-2005 44 History  Lockport Businesses 1872
May-2005 44 History  Norton & Company
May-2005 44 History  Schrumpf Pool Hall
May-2005 44 History  Songs of the Civil War Sikorski
May-2005 44 History  Stephen Foster
Jun-2005 45 History  Fitzpatrick Family Schackmuth
Jun-2005 45 History  Lockport Immigrants 1850- 1880
Jun-2005 45 History  Stroll on Washington St. 1880
Jun-2005 45 Photos Zion Evangelical Luth Ch 1950
Jul-2005 46 Genealogy Brother Martin Lecture
Jul-2005 46 Board News Canal Days 2005 Parade Float
Jul-2005 46 Historical Structures Central School c. 1860
Jul-2005 46 History  May Deeming Cheadle
Aug-2005 47 Photos House of Ill Repute Priestly
Aug-2005 47 History  Lockport 1900-1910 Saloons
Aug-2005 47 Genealogy Sisson Family Cemetery Coal Mines
Sep-2005 48 History  Dellwood Park Johnson 
Sep-2005 48 Photos Dellwood Park
Sep-2005 48 Photos LTHS interior photos 1910
Sep-2005 48 History  LTHS opens 1910
Oct-2005 49 History  Cornolos Grocery
Oct-2005 49 Photos Lockport 1920 - teachers
Oct-2005 49 Photos Mario's Barbershop
Oct-2005 49 History  Pesavento Bros Grocery
Oct-2005 49 Genealogy Technology & the genealogist Szucs
Nov-2005 50 History  Henry LeCaron; British Spy Clark Irish
Nov-2005 50 1st person narrative Letter from Japan 1945 Fracaro
Nov-2005 50 History  Lockport Businesses 1930's
Nov-2005 50 History  Lockport in the 1930's Ogren Press
Nov-2005 50 History  Payroll Robbery 1937
Nov-2005 50 Photos Payroll Robbery 1937 Wierschem Texaco
Nov-2005 50 Photos VFW Football Team 1946
Jan-2006 51 1st person narrative Charivari; Anyone?  Bankroff Rodeghero
Jan-2006 51 1st person narrative Family Reunion Varley Kuehnle
Jan-2006 51 Photos Herbert Gulden Mary Rodeghero
Jan-2006 51 Photos LAGHS Christmas 2005
Jan-2006 51 1st person narrative Remember my mother in law Varley Kuehnle
Jan-2006 51 1st person narrative Remembering 1940's Lockport Caneva
Jan-2006 51 Photos State Street Parade c1941 LTHS band
Feb-2006 52 Photos Caneva Shoe Store  Central Sch.
Feb-2006 52 Photos Caneva's Accordion Band LTHS stage
Feb-2006 52 Photos Gooding Mansion
Feb-2006 52 Historical Structures LTHS 1947 - 1953
Feb-2006 52 1st person narrative Share & Tell  16thStBridge
Feb-2006 52 Photos Winter in Lockport
Mar-2006 53 Photos Early elected officials O'Marah Weeks
Mar-2006 53 Photos Joliet Historical Museum  Hopkins
Mar-2006 53 History  Lockport Politics 1853  Hopkins
Mar-2006 53 History  Lockport village organization
Mar-2006 53 Photos School days- 1930; 1939; 1927 St.Joseph SacredHeart
Apr-2006 54 History  Elmer Ott; Photographer  Douse
Apr-2006 54 Photos Elmer Ott; photographs
Apr-2006 54 History  Village Treasurer's report 1862
Apr-2006 54 Historical Structures Will Co. Landmarks in Lockport Fitzpatrick Gooding
Apr-2006 54 Historical Structures Will County Historic Landmarks Ferry
May-2006 55 Share & Tell Members bring their treasures
May-2006 55 History  One Room Schools Taylor Ward
May-2006 55 Photos One Room Schools Taylor Ward
May-2006 55 1st person narrative Pfc Edward Rossetto - 1944
Jun-2006 56 History  Do you have the Time? Clock
Jun-2006 56 History  Politics; Lockport 1860  Anderson Dow
Jun-2006 56 History  Quilts in the Underground RR Sokolinski
Jul-2006 57 Genealogy Faces from the Past Rice; Marge
Jul-2006 57 History  Labor Unrest on Canal 1893
Jul-2006 57 History  Last Village President; 1st Mayor Keough Photo
Jul-2006 57 Board News New Board Seated Lif
Jul-2006 57 Board News Old Canal Days 2006 Photo
Jul-2006 57 Historical Structures The Roxy and the Chatterbox Crawshaw
Aug-2006 58 Photos Gustafson/Lindstrom home
Aug-2006 58 History  Lockport Trains; Interurban Light 
Aug-2006 58 Photos Lockport; Alton Station
Aug-2006 58 Photos Lockport; State St. w/street car
Aug-2006 58 Genealogy Pehrson-Johnson Kuhlne; Alice
Aug-2006 58 Genealogy Scandinavian Heritage Jeri Loose
Sep-2006 59 1st person narrative Dellwood Park Hirner
Sep-2006 59 History  Dellwood Park
Sep-2006 59 Photos Dellwood Park
Sep-2006 59 Photos Dellwood Park water tower
Sep-2006 59 Photos Dellwood Park;1927 class reunion
Sep-2006 59 Photos Irene Lindstrom Young at Dellwood
Sep-2006 59 Photos Joliet Lockport Road; cir 1908
Sep-2006 59 History  Joliet-Lockport Road
Sep-2006 59 Photos """Road repair; """"teaming"""" 1908"""
Oct-2006 60 Genealogy Caneva & Asiago Italy
Oct-2006 60 1st person narrative Fire Department; 1904
Oct-2006 60 Photos Fire Department; 1904
Oct-2006 60 Photos Fire Department; c 1940
Oct-2006 60 History  Fire Dept History
Oct-2006 60 History  Lidice monument Crest Hill Crest Hill
Nov-2006 61 Photos Cemeteries of Midewin
Nov-2006 61 History  LTHS; The Times; 1937 T. Bills Kolmodin
Nov-2006 61 History  Midewin Cemetery Tour
Nov-2006 61 Photos Pearl Harbor Japanese Sub G. Riley
Nov-2006 61 1st person narrative WWII Pearl Harbor G. Riley
Jan-2007 62 Photos Bozo Hotdog Stand Nativity Scene  L.D. Mason
Jan-2007 62 Photos Dellwood Park Skating Scene 1910
Jan-2007 62 History  Enz Electric Co  Graf; New
Jan-2007 62 Genealogy Felstead Family F. Pinn
Jan-2007 62 History  George Barnet Nancy Crilly
Jan-2007 62 History  Lockport Winters Past Mayor Daly 1930's
Jan-2007 62 Photos Salvation Army Kettle-State St. Carlson; Bell Skeldon
Feb-2007 63 Genealogy Ancestor Appreciation Day
Feb-2007 63 Genealogy Rodighiero Family
Feb-2007 63 History  Valentine Ads from 1915
Mar-2007 64 History  1850 letters H.L. Mason E.R. Mason
Mar-2007 64 Photos 1905 Saloon Startz
Mar-2007 64 History  Liquor licenses Bock; Parks O'Connell
Mar-2007 64 Photos Preservation of photographs
Mar-2007 64 Genealogy Ranes/Wilson Family Tom Pinn
Mar-2007 64 Photos Rodeghiero Bar
Mar-2007 64 History  Saloons; Taverns; Bars & Pubs Startz Rodeghiero
Apr-2007 65 Genealogy Ehrfeld/Dollinger/Dryfus Families Ron Lif
Apr-2007 65 History  Lockport Mayorial Race 1933 Bentley Sontag
Apr-2007 65 History  Lockport Twp Election Ostrom
Apr-2007 65 History  The Outhouse as History C.Pfannkucke
May-2007 66 Genealogy Burcenski/Haas Families
May-2007 66 Board News Bylaw changes 
May-2007 66 History  Cemetery Conservation John Sanders
May-2007 66 Photos Memorial Day  Elmer Ott Andy Halden
May-2007 66 History  Vocational School Open WWII
Jun-2007 67 History  """Ads in """"The Times"""" of Lkpt High""" 1936
Jun-2007 67 Board News LAGHS hosts Chamber after Hours
Jun-2007 67 History  LTHS Band-1983 Reunion Killian-Forni
Jun-2007 67 History  LTHS Band-Music Man
Jun-2007 67 Genealogy Tonn/Gillett/Sproat Families
Jul-2007 68 History  Allen G. Hawley
Jul-2007 68 History  Canal Days 2007 Alyce Loose Ron Lif
Jul-2007 68 History  Canal Days Past Nancy Crilly
Jul-2007 68 Genealogy Loretto Dennis Szucs
Jul-2007 68 History  Thomas F. Ryan
Aug-2007 69 Photos Baseball c 1933 & 1926
Aug-2007 69 Genealogy Lockport's German Heritage Geri Loose
Aug-2007 69 Genealogy Vincent Family Ron Otto Kirman
Aug-2007 69 History  Vintage Baseball
Sep-2007 70 History  Dellwood Park
Sep-2007 70 Photos Dellwood Park
Sep-2007 70 History  Lockport Flood   Porter
Sep-2007 70 Photos Lockport Southside Birthday party
Sep-2007 70 Genealogy Rigoni/Rodeghero/Swenson Families B. Carlson
Oct-2007 71 History  Ad - Lane & Loomer Plows; 1859
Oct-2007 71 1st person narrative Farm Life 1920's-Mabel Fracaro M. Hrpcha
Oct-2007 71 Photos Farm photo Farrell
Oct-2007 71 Genealogy Lambka/Topp/Crowden/Carlson G. Carlson
Oct-2007 71 History  Prairie Farmers' Protective Union
Oct-2007 71 History  Rural Historic Structural Survey
Nov-2007 72 1st person narrative A Different Burial Story R. Hilsabeck
Nov-2007 72 History  Brunson Pioneer Cemetery Dawn Cobb Sisson/Sly
Nov-2007 72 1st person narrative DVD; Interviews of senior citizens
Nov-2007 72 Genealogy Reuter/Reiter Families D. Szlak
Nov-2007 72 Photos Texaco cat-cracker at night
Jan-2008 73 Genealogy McCanna moneybelt of g-grandmother Bankroff
Jan-2008 73 History  Lynn (Linn); George family
Jan-2008 73 History  Lynd; George family
Jan-2008 73 Genealogy Kolar Family Kuresch
Jan-2008 73 1st person narrative June Coon Reed Dr. Paddock Reed
Feb-2008 74 History  Railroads in Lockport Moloney; Bill
Feb-2008 74 History  Lockport personal narrative 1874  Lee; John
Feb-2008 74 History  Lockport elections past
Mar-2008 75 Genealogy Notoriety and Records Pfannkucke
Mar-2008 75 History  1st National Bank of Lockport Reeves Grant; Joel
Mar-2008 75 Historical Structures Gas Stations
Apr-2008 76 Genealogy Local Library Resourceww
Apr-2008 76 History  GAR and SV Camp
Apr-2008 76 History  Hills Monument (Cemetery) Company Brankey
Apr-2008 76 History  Texaco Company baseball team chorus
May-2008 77 Genealogy Ritchie Family by June Coon
May-2008 77 History  Ministers in Lockport Mason Codding
May-2008 77 Historical Structures Norton Building
Jun-2008 78 Historical Structures Lockport Power Plant
Jun-2008 78 History  Civil War Veterans in Lockport Cem. Day;Jefferson Emery; And.
Jun-2008 78 History  Civil War Veterans in Lockport Cem. Price; Will. Read; Eugene Trinity
Jul-2008 79 History  100th Illinois in the Civil War Rozak
Jul-2008 79 Historical Structures Building Lockport Green; Ray Scheibe; J. topics
Aug-2008 80 Genealogy Kuusisalo - Salo Burcenski
Aug-2008 80 Genealogy Coon; Ira
Aug-2008 80 Genealogy Dow; Clara
Sep-2008 81 History  The Lockport Cemetery Hrpcha Boardman
Sep-2008 81 History  Lives Cut Short Olson; Iver Fiddyment
Oct-2008 82 History  Austin-Welter Barn Ward; Gary Trantino Farm
Oct-2008 82 Genealogy Sly Families Sly; Seneca Sly; Elisa
Nov-2008 83 History  Veterans Day Bengtson Amer. Legion
Nov-2008 83 Genealogy Sly Families Sly; Elisa
Jan-2009 84 Genealogy Swedish Genealogy Savar Sweden
Jan-2009 84 History  The Lockport Cemetery Hanford
Jan-2009 84 Genealogy Swedish Genealogy Lundeen Carlson
Feb-2009 85 History  Gingold; Katharine Sisson Strong
Feb-2009 85 Genealogy Sisson Family Gathering 2008
Feb-2009 85 History  The Lockport Cemetery Joel Manning Caneva; Reno
Mar-2009 86 History School Days
Mar-2009 86 1st person narrative Glenn Carlson's Marvelous Adventure Taft School
Mar-2009 86 Photos Lockport Central Grade Sch 1927
Mar-2009 86 Photos Sacred Heart School Lockport 1938
Mar-2009 86 Photos Lockport Township High School 1947 National Honor Balteri; Justine
Mar-2009 86 Photos Lockport High School 1889
Mar-2009 86 History The Lockport Cemetery Finch Pitts; Louise
Apr-2009 87 History The Travelogues of the Ad-man c.1914
Apr-2009 87 Photos Local advertisement giveaways Luddy's Place Realty Co Roxy theater
May-2009 88 1st person narrative Local history stories Ott;Harriet Conklin; Bud
May-2009 88 1st person narrative Stephen Reed; Police Chief Coon; June
May-2009 88 History The Lockport Cemetery Parker family
Jun-2009 89 History United Service Assoc. Lockport WWII multiple names
Jun-2009 89 Photos Cartoon from Texaco newsletter 1943 Mulvey; Helen
Jun-2009 89 History Student articles on FHA c 1933 Pesavento Herman; Fred
Jul-2009 90 History St. Dennis and Dr. James McGovern
Jul-2009 90 Photos Dr. James McGovern 50th Anniv recept
Jul-2009 90 Photos St. Dennis Church photos
Jul-2009 90 Photos Downtown Lockport North Law Off Caneva Store
Aug-2009 91 History Westward moving families Loose; Geri
Aug-2009 91 History Goodale Funeral Home
Aug-2009 91 History 1864 letter Thomas William to son
Sep-2009 92 Genealogy Lockport's Italian families; the Fracaro Fracaro
Sep-2009 92 Genealogy William S. Cameron
Sep-2009 92 History VASA; Thor Lodge 1908; roster  topics
Oct-2009 93 History Joliet Arsenal Tour
Oct-2009 93 History Baseball in Lockport
Oct-2009 93 Photos Fairmont A.C. circa 1926
Oct-2009 93 Photos Lockport Merchants Team c 1906
Oct-2009 93 Photos Lockport High School Baseball 1932
Oct-2009 93 Photos Lockport Texaco Baseball team 1943  Adamson
Nov-2009 94 Photos 1908 U. S. Cavalry at Dellwood Park
Nov-2009 94 History Henry Adam Winkler (photo)
Nov-2009 94 History President Andrew Johnson in Lockport Alton RR Brian Boland
Jan-2010 95 History First Congregational Church Lockport Ministers John Kampe
Jan-2010 95 History Gladys Fox
Jan-2010 95 History C. H. Bacon & Co.
Jan-2010 95 Genealogy Telephone Directories
Jan-2010 95 Genealogy Umea & Savar Sweden
Feb-2010 96 First Person Narrative Family Vacations Ward Manthey O'Brien Horace Singer
Feb-2010 96 History Lockport Mayors
Feb-2010 96 History D. C. Baldwin
Feb-2010 96 Genealogy Land Titles
Mar-2010 97 History Mayor Dev Trivedi
Mar-2010 97 Genealogy Research Trip Nellie Couch Wm. Schuler
Apr-2010 98 History 100 Years of Radio K. Carlson Boland; E & R
Apr-2010 98 Genealogy Know Your Primary Source Michael Prior Gaylord Bldg
May-2010 99 History Lockport Twp High School; 100 years
Jun-2010 100 History I&M Canal Tour
Jun-2010 100 Genealogy Tales from Calvary Cemetery Mikal Young Antonio Fracaro Luman Roberts
Jun-2010 100 Genealogy Dynamite Did It Pat Roberts John Riley
Jul-2010 101 Genealogy Newspapers-Goldmine for Genealogist Nancy Crilly
Jul-2010 101 History Fort July - July 4 celebration 1930's Nancy Crilly
Jul-2010 101 History WWI letter Wm. Kirman to T. Williams
Jul-2010 101 Genealogy John Matthew Rodeghero G. Bankroff
Jul-2010 101 Genealogy Calvary Cemetery Leo Pesavento John Longhini
Aug-2010 102 History Buildings as History of Place Jindra/Loose Riley/McWeeney Church Bell
Sep-2010 103 History The Lincoln Highway C. Ogorek topics
Sep-2010 103 History Runyon Cemetery Ron Lif
Sep-2010 103 History Buildings as History - 723 State Street J. W. Paddock George Martin
Sep-2010 103 History American Legion; Post 18; Lockport John Olson
Oct-2010 104 History 13th Street Train Station Harry E. Baker
Oct-2010 104 History Athletic Year Book 1912-13 1912 Football
Nov-2010 105 History Cemetery Preservation Dawn Cobb Hal Hassen
Nov-2010 105 Genealogy St. Dennis Records; Lockport Ron Lif
Nov-2010 105 History Veterans Day - Valentino Rigoni Gildo Segatto
Nov-2010 105 Photos Picture Page Picnic 1916 CCC Camp
Jan-2011 106 Genealogy Branches in the Family Tree Rosenquist Lundstrum Mrs. Dowse
Jan-2011 106 History Horace Messenger Homer Twp
Feb-2011 107 Genealogy Irish Genealogy Branches Ward Glavey
Feb-2011 107 Genealogy Ezekiel Smith Donaldson
Feb-2011 107 History Homer Horse Thief Society
Mar-2011 108 History Will County Poor Farm & Potters Field Gina Wysoki Swenson
Mar-2011 108 History The Lockport Cemetery unidentified
Mar-2011 108 1st person narrative Serendipity - Found family on Internet N. Crilly
Mar-2011 108 History From the Archives-letter & store ledger
Mar-2011 108 History A Ride to Lockport on the Car Will the Weaver
Mar-2011 108 History A Merry Party Mabel Johnson Carrie Lynd
Mar-2011 108 Photos Women of the Moose; 1941
Mar-2011 108 Letter Magaret Hawley to her Grandmother
Mar-2011 108 History Lockport Kindergarden Party Hattie Peck Lamoreux
Apr-2011 109 Genealogy Records-They're Vital Jeff Brockman
Apr-2011 109 Genealogy New Found Cousin Carlson; Bell Svenningdotter
Apr-2011 109 Genealogy Title Search John Norman Isaac Nobes
Apr-2011 109 Genealogy Isaac Nobes
May-2011 110 History American Legion; Post 18; Lockport John Olson
May-2011 110 History Soldiers' Mother Club WWI
May-2011 110 History Six Sons in WWII Luebs
May-2011 110 History Sterioti Boys - Korea
May-2011 110 Letter WWII Letter
May-2011 110 History Mayor & Fisherman-Daniel T. Lambert Swenson Carlson
Jun-2011 111 History LAGHS 10th Anniversary Celebration Caneva
Jun-2011 111 Photos Texaco Tennis Tournament
Jun-2011 111 Photos Barnett School Blazevic Lif
Jun-2011 111 Photos Taft School 1951
Jun-2011 111 Maps Various Local Maps
Jun-2011 111 Photos Various Photos of Lockport
Jun-2011 111 History Uncle Joe's Farm Carlson   Rodeghero
Jul-2011 112 History LAGHS Annual Meeting
Jul-2011 112 Photos Rowley-Lanfear-Cagwin-Hyatt Group
Jul-2011 112 Photos Engineering Department Texaco
Jul-2011 112 History Memories of Early Illinois Sprague Mather
Jul-2011 112 Genealogy Rigoni Family to America Bankroff Segafredo Schyler
Aug-2011 113 Historical Structures Home Sweet Home Scheibe Ward
Aug-2011 113 Photos Scheibe Store on 9th Street
Aug-2011 113 Photos Misc Home Photos from Lockport
Aug-2011 113 History House in the Park Sears Fairmont
Aug-2011 113 Genealogy Chris Rodeghero - Big 6 Carlson
Aug-2011 113 History Lockport-Downtown Roxy Theater State Street
Sep-2011 114 History Early Lockport Business-1874
Sep-2011 114 History Green Thumb Garden Club Walker Schultz Segafredo
Sep-2011 114 History The Lockport Woman's Club Program
Sep-2011 114 History The Congregational Church - 1838 Isaac Foster Baldwin Cooper
Oct-2011 115 History LAGHS - Sharing our History
Oct-2011 115 Photos Miss Boylan's Kindergarden 1899
Oct-2011 115 Photos Taft School circa 1911
Oct-2011 115 History Lockport Township Grade School News Sacred Heart Taft
Oct-2011 115 History The Times of Lockport High - 1941
Nov-2011 116 History Stories We Could Tell Dave Clark
Nov-2011 116 Genealogy The Wedding Dress Bankroff Rodeghiero
Nov-2011 116 Genealogy Poison Mushrooms-Bolognani Carlson Rigoni
Nov-2011 116 History A Christmas Time Remembrance Ron Otto Kirman
Nov-2011 116 History Diary of Homer Township  Gillett Collins
Nov-2011 116 History Grandma Fracaro and the Farm Hrpcha